Frigidity (Male)

Information on the causes of frigidity, men's sexual health and loss of sex drive.

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  1. What is Male Frigidity?
  2. More Information on Male Frigidity

What is Male Frigidity?

The term ‘frigidity’ is mostly used in relation to women to describe inhibition (not caused by a physical disorder or medication) of sexual excitement during sexual activity. However, this term can also be used with regards to men – although the more commonly used terms are impotence, lack of sex drive, or low libido.

More Information on Male Frigidity

Help for Male Sexual Health

The relationship between overall health, lifestyle, and sexual satisfaction is closer than we may think. There is growing evidence that certain physical conditions that go along with obesity can also affect sex drive.

Luckily, there are some lifestyle changes that you can make to enhance your libido and set yourself on the path to good health. These changes include:

If you're overweight, lose a little weight to stimulate sex hormones.

Eat more nutritious foods, which control cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Choose heart-healthy foods such as grains, fruits, nuts, vegetables, and lean sources of dairy and protein.

Exercise regularly to strengthen your heart and help build endurance. Add a few high-intensity sessions to your fitness routine. Strength training is also a good idea, to build shapely muscle (this can also help stamina where sex is concerned). Remember to start slowly.

Get enough rest – it’s hard to be in the mood for sex when you are exhausted or fatigued!

Keep a positive attitude. Accept your body and believe in your sexual abilities.

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